Mondays 7-8:15pm EST
Feb 28 – March 21
Sign up here
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” –Coco Chanel
In every moment there is an opportunity to become more aware and learn to love ourself a little more. In a busy, distracted and complicated (especially right now!) world, we are often not creating the time and space to give our self the much needed care we need. And, as we all know, we certainly are not best serving others or the greater good, if we are burnt out and running on fumes.
Join Michele to explore the wholistic practice of Yoga Postures (asana), Breath work (pranayama), Meditation (Dhyana) and Self-Study (Svadhyaya) to embody the loving art of self-care and create a renewed energy and vitality.
“I created this course to inspire us to show up, on a daily basis, even if it is only for five minutes, to create a habit of self-care centered in pure loving-kindness.
We will learn and practice exercises for the body, mind, and spirit that build energy, awareness and self-compassion.
Together, we will commit to giving our self a little more love and attention. It starts there.”
Available to support you are:
- Live Online Group Practices w Michele via Zoom Mondays 7-8:15pm EST
- Recorded Video of Live Class will be posted for your viewing convenience.
- A daily activity or journal prompt to practice Self-Love
- Instructions for your personal Daily Meditation Practice
- Bonus Recorded practice videos
“Study thy self, discover the divine” – Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
Sign up here
Cost: Sale! $65 (Regular price $75) Free to members, ask for code)