I adore summer. When I start seeing ‘pumpkin spiced fill-in-the-blank’ this and that popping up, I am not excited. The natural flow of summer that encourages being outside and active, suits my personality much more so then the quiet hush of contemplation that cooler weather ushers in. So, per my usual, I lean into my yoga practice to help me align and regulate.
The natural world around us shifts from lush greens and blooming flowers and mother nature turns inward and exposes the colors of the lower chakras. Many of our routines change with going back to school and the days get shorter, cooler and give less sunlight. Some people can be radically effected by the seasonal changes and mood struggles can surface. I watched my dad deal with this when we were growing up.
So, yes, it becomes the perfect time to realign our routines and practices to harmonize with the changing season. In yoga, just as we adapt our physical practice to support our body’s needs, we can also adjust our lifestyle and mindset to embrace the unique qualities of autumn.

Here’s how to use yogic principles to fall into a supportive rhythm with the season of transformation:
1. Get Grounded
Autumn is a time of transition, a season where nature prepares for the stillness of winter. To reflect this shift, grounding practices become especially important. In yoga, grounding poses can help cultivate a sense of stability and rootedness. My favorites are Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with a gentle softening in the knees to really feel the ground under your feet, Downward Dog (shake out your head and release your jaw), and Child’s Pose and Savasana (Corpse Pose), using all the props to be cozy. These poses encourage a connection to the earth, helping you feel more centered as external changes occur. You can do a free Yoga Grounding Class with me here.
As the season progresses, daylight hours gradually decrease. The earlier sunsets encourage us to wind down sooner, fostering a natural inclination towards rest and reflection (a great time to do a cozy Viparita Karani – ‘Leg’s Up the Wall’ Pose). Carve out some time to maximize daylight and prioritize a healthy sleep routine (this is a work in progress for me).
2. Embrace Mindfulness and Reflection
Autumn invites introspection, much like how nature begins to wind down and turn inward on itself for hibernation. We can embrace mindfulness through meditation and journaling. Practice guided meditations that focus on gratitude and letting go. Autumn is a great time to reflect on what no longer serves you, letting go of outdated habits or thoughts that have accumulated over the year. The practice of Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) from the Yoga Sutras can be particularly resonant, encouraging you to release attachments and embrace change. Here is a free Metta Meditation you can do with me.
3. Balance Your Energy
The fall season is marked by a decrease in sunlight and a drop in temperatures, which can affect our energy levels. To counterbalance this, incorporate energizing and balancing practices into your routine. Pranayama techniques like Breath of Fire can invigorate your energy, while balancing asanas like Tree Pose and Eagle Pose can enhance your physical stability and focus.

4. Nourish with Warmth and Comfort
In Ayurvedic terms, autumn is associated with the Vata dosha, which is characterized by qualities of dryness and coolness. To counteract these effects, focus on warm, nourishing foods and drinks. Think soups, stews, and herbal teas. Yum! In your yoga practice, incorporate more grounding and warming poses like Utkatasana (Chair Pose, does anyone practice this at home? Ha.) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). These help to generate internal heat and maintain your body’s balance.
5. Create Seasonal Rituals
I love rituals!! We can incorporate seasonal rituals into our yoga practice to honor the changes happening in around us in nature. Create a little space in your home with natural elements like leaves, acorns, and pumpkins. Use this space for meditation, setting intentions, or simply as a reminder of the season’s beauty. You might also start your day with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with a focus on honoring the diminishing daylight, reflecting on the cyclical nature of life.

6. Cultivate Community and Connection
Autumn often brings a focus on community and connection, with many festivals and gatherings. In your yoga practice, emphasize poses that open the heart and promote connection, such as Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose). Get to class (or host one with friends!) and maybe do a workshop or a retreat to enhance your sense of community and shared practice during this season of change.
7. Honor the Harvest
Autumn is a time of harvest, a period to reap the benefits of your efforts. Reflect on your achievements and give thanks for the abundance in your life. Incorporate gratitude practices into your yoga routine, whether through a dedicated gratitude meditation or simply acknowledging what you’re thankful for during your practice. You are amazing!
So, even though it is not my fav, this time of year brings an opportunity for deep, intentional alignment with the natural world and with ourself.
By adjusting our yoga practice and creating little shifts in our lifestyle to honor this season of change, we can find greater harmony and balance. Yoga gives us the gift of presence and we can embrace the grounding energy of fall, nourish yourself with warmth, and reflect on the beauty of transformation that we are a profound part of.