Tonight is a NEW MOON!
It is an optimal day to lean into and realign with your purpose and intentions.
It is an ideal time to start something new!
Let yourself receive SO much support in these efforts.
Avail yourself to all of the goodness that is available to you. ★・ 。・:*:
These thoughts below are from Romy Wyser. I found them to be quite beautiful.

★・ 。・:*: MOON MUSINGS゚★・ 。・:*:
“The light wraps around your heart in the dawn chorus of the black birds song.
The light heals the ache of words left unspoken and the river of tangled feelings that get caught in your throat waiting to find the ocean and discover their freedom.
The light infuses itself into your thoughts as you evolve in progressive and empowered spirals of enlightened conversation.
The light soothes your changeable, mercurial mind and listens to the call of your wild and restless soul.
The light dissolves the layers that weigh heavy with doubt streaming into the shadows to show you the way.
The light holds a sacred space so you’re willing to be misunderstood as you make choices and changes that better serve your soul.
The light fuels you to dream bigger, to demand more and to question everything, so you discover seeds of potential carried in the winds of fate.
The light shines on your path so you find diamonds in the detours and the courage to open your heart to the unexpected.
The light reminds you that you are the expression of endless endings and new beginnings. Standing in the doorway to your dreams, illuminating the dark with visions of vibrant possibility and promise.
The light speaks to you in remembrance that you cannot be caged for your mind is always free and your soul is strengthened by the truth and heart that is intertwined in your unwavering faith and the stars that guide you.
The light embraces you as you integrate the stories that came from tired days and wistful nights. Now ready for the exhale in permission to move on to find where it feels like home.
The light splits in a kaleidoscope to reveal all possibilities exist. Your butterfly soul is now yearning for something not yet found but felt in the fragments of your dreams.
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Welcome the lightness of the Gemini New Moon. Destiny drives you to explore new ways to communicate as you open up with curiosity to the richness of new visions for your future and you rewrite your own rules.
In this moment you are a truth seeker with a desire to be innovative. You are a pioneer in original thinking, a thought leader in new creative approaches to advance in your soul journey.
Your eyes have been opened and it’s now time you experience a beautiful reset as you embark on your new beginning.
Projecting your light into the future and expanding your horizons as Jupiter and Mars bound forth to join the enlightened energy conservation and amplify the desires to create change and seize the opportunity to explore something passionate and written in the stars of your soul.
Here you will find everything takes on a different feeling. Textures are richer, hues are brighter, sounds are sharper and the myriad of energetic tones ripple though you with reminders of your resilient spirit and the feathered wings of power that lift you higher so you may make sense of the divine plans that unfold in perfect timing for you.
If you need to, use this energy to reframe what is causing your soul to split and decide what will bring you back into wholeness as you sew the seeds of loving intention under this supportive new moon.
Don’t apologise for the intensity of emotions that may surface. They will show you what matters, and help you unearth where your heart is calling you.
Create a new language that your soul resonates with and your words will flow with light to draw in those who mirror your colours.
Love and courage will guide you. There are no rules and there is no precedence when you break new ground. Your way is different and it’s ok. You’re ready for different things. So be braver and be at peace with your mutable mind as it runs through a thousand possibilities because you’ll still find the right road to travel.
Connections that emerge under this energy foretell of an unfolding divine assignment to accept together.
Let wonder light the way with your readiness to embrace the new and enjoy the meeting of minds and bonding of hearts that flow from serendipitous clouds of silver linings gifted to eclipse your struggles and soothe your soul.
Respect your journey. It’s changed you. You’re integrating waves of healing into a new light language of acceptance and compassion for yourself.
Let this be your north star and the soul story you wish to honour.”