3 Things To Experience More Peace, Wisdom & Love

“If you seek peace, be still.

If you seek wisdom, be silent.

If you seek love, be yourself.”

– Becca Lee

When I experience peace, wisdom or love, it is because I have moved beyond my mind that can hook into things like ego and fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). I have moved through my feelings, that can cloud judgement and create reactions. Or, I have released a story that was shaping my reality.

It is shifting from a place of identifying ourself from the perception of a thought, feeling or story TO recognizing that it is impossible to BE those things just simply based on the fact that we can observe them as separate from who we are.

So, it is experiencing ‘B E I N G’ that brings true peace, wisdom and love.

Yes, a moving beyond the stories and into the sacred self.

A connecting with what is real and meaningful and joins us all together.


Ok, great, so HOW do we do that?

How about 3 simple things to begin?

  1. Return home to your breath and present moment (presence) whenever you notice a wandering.
  2. Have awareness of the quiet between your thoughts.
  3. Try softening (Think: relax your face, shoulders & belly) when a reaction wants to surface.

These are three simple (not always easy) things to JUST BE. 

The peace, wisdom and love that IS you, will then shine.

#being #youarelove #yoga #listen #availyourself #breathe #experiencetheripple