When Ophelia Let Out The Wild

Last month was our annual Fall Retreat. Historically, it is a weekend of gorgeous weather and a celebration of spirit through outdoor yoga and activities. 

However, Ophelia, the tropical storm of September 2023, had other plans for us.

In all of my years teaching outdoor yoga events and navigating weather, I’ve learned to be very prepared and always have a plan B. 

Little did I know that this Plan B would allow a space for our spirits to feel free and wild, unlike ever before.

So, as the retreat weekend approached and weather predictions worsened, I did what I do, and went into Plan B mode. 

I began calling local venues; On a hunt to secure an indoor space. I eventually connected with a wonderful yoga studio owner in Cambridge and made plans to rent her space for the weekend. 

Most importantly, we had to be sure we would all be safe in our retreat home. I met with the home owner whose family had owned this special house for 300 plus years. He walked me through the property and told me about the worst storms in the last 50 years. Where there would be flooding and exactly what to expect. He knew this impending storm would be much milder than others from the past and assured me that we would be fine in this home that had stood for centuries. Basically, we were in for a cozy indoor experience. 

This retreat would not be about leaning into the outdoors and the healing Autumn weather, but every bone in my body knew that it was going to be magic. 

Mother Nature was giving us an opportunity to literally go inside.

And yes, this is our yoga. Explore the internal landscape and breathe into all that is and all that is revealed. 

And as the retreat goodness unfolded, we decided to stay on the property and yoga inside a rustic Schoolhouse that was built in the 1800s, instead of venturing into town to the yoga studio. 

It ended up serving as the place where a sacred dance of spirit would occur and it would hold the space for powerful transformation.

The women that attended the retreat became fast friends and organically we all took on the roles of various feminine archetypes.  The divine shakti that started to surface fed a fire that burned away all that didn’t serve the greater good and ignited a creative and loving force that guided the group.

As the rain and wind roared outside, we took refuge inside and dove into the ancient practice of connecting.  Breath and movement united and the yoga did what it does… shifts happened, illumination grew bright and spontaneous sing alongs and more love than you can imagine, filled our hearts and voices. 

Then, it was a moment I will never forget –

One by one, the women ran out into the rain and began to dance. 

As I cartwheeled in the puddles and wind, the feeling of freedom and pure joy was so incredibly tremendous, I thought I would burst.

We let the WILD, roar.

We (I), don’t do this enough these days.  And, no need to judge or analyze that to pieces.  What matters is, that weekend, we took a leap.  Literally.  And, the rest fell away. 

And here is the thing – Once you let the wild out, she doesn’t go back with ease. 

She has experienced her power, her birthright, and she wants to continue singing and dancing in the rain and under the moon.

The magical storm, historic land, sisterhood circle and of course the yoga, allowed each of us to be held, seen and accepted. 

Unspoken permission was given and we were each gifted a unique experience of growth. And, collectively, as we swirled around within Opelia’s offering, we raised the vibrations of light and love all around us.

Yes, we were ready to enter back into the world ~ refreshed, awakened and indeed ready for the next moment we could let the wild, roar her beautiful roar.