How To Tend To Your Inner Terrain

19th century poet Gerard Manley Hopkins called our inner terrain an ‘Inscape.’

Sun Rays Inner World

We are taught in school how to grow a seed, to tend to things, quite literally, in our outer landscape.
It usually isn’t until much later in life that we are fortunate enough to learn how to tend to what is inside of us…

Our “Inscape.”

Our inner world is also filled with peaks and valleys, rivers, clouds, flowers, and weeds that take the form of thoughts, feelings, and energy swirling around within.

What do you do to tend to your inscape?

How can you drench your inner landscape with light and nourishment and love, so that you can thrive?

Yogis know that our yoga practice is an irreplaceable tool to tend to our inscape.

For example, our breath, just one of the 8 limbs of yoga, can be moved about within our body and create space for peace and balance to bloom.

Our breath can move about and wash over ‘weeds of thoughts’ and ‘cloudy feelings’, to help them clear or bring understanding.

Our breath can generate sound and vibrations that tone, strengthen and create vitality, letting the river of life flow through us freely.

Try this simple breathing exercise to tend to your inscape…

Sit comfortably and breathe deeply in and out.
Notice without any judgment or criticism, parts of your body that feel tight, constricted, open or free.
Move your breath into new places inside of you.
Deepen your breath and breathe into the tight spots. Imagine stuck thoughts and feelings become free, like a weed being pulled.

Deepen your breath and breathe into the open spots. Imagine your breath as light, filling the open space like sun rays stretching through the sky.

Receive all of the illumination, and free flowing information.

Drench your inscape with loving breath and let your soul be nourished.
