Stop And Smell The Flowers

Most of you know that I am a busy girl.  Life seems to always be in full session and my schedule is booked around the clock.  The gift (or one of them), that I have been given in this life, is that I teach yoga. 

This automatically builds yoga into each and every day.  Every day, an opportunity for me to connect and ask that I be a vessel for the love and practice to flow through.  It truly helps to keep me balanced. 

Well what about the personal practice? Many people ask me about my personal practice

It certainly has evolved over the years. It has looked like a hundred different things over the last 30 years, but it always feels the same. 

Quite simply, it is always the lifeline that allows me to experience spirit.  

Today my practice looked like:

  • 5 minutes of alternate nostril breathing.
  • Stretching in the shower.
  • This may sound strange, but, taking care of my feet.  I am barefoot, most of the day, teaching yoga and dance and my feet get beat up.  I don’t often take the time to give them love, but today I did.  It was a mindfulness practice in self-care.
  • Readings from Patanjali.
  • Doing a little asana, before I taught a couple of privates.
  • Walking to the bus stop to meet daughter and stopping to smell some flowers along the way.

Stopping to smell the flowers.

low angle view of pink flowers against blue sky

This, is not a small thing.
This, is the thing that brings me into the present moment and gets me out of my head and out of whatever story I’m spinning.
This, is the thing that allows me to feel gratitude for nature.
This, is the thing that lets me be in awe of the mystery of life.
This, is the thing that reminds me I am part of the ALL and this moment is a GIFT.

My wish for you this weekend….
Do your yoga….  Stop and smell the flowers.


And, join me at the magic Mt. Ida this Spring, as we tap into our energetic channels to create balance and vitality…

Spring Chakra Yoga Series at Mt. Ida

Outdoors at the magical Mt. Ida

Thursdays 6-7:15pm
May 2 – June 13

We are so thrilled to be back at Mt. Ida this Spring!  Awaken and balance your body, mind and spirit with our spring yoga series.

Beginning at the root and lifting up to the crown, explore yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, chanting and mantras to connect you to your highest self and purpose.

All welcome.  Join for the whole series, or drop in, weekly. 

Love Life Yoga Logo

Week 1: Root. I am.

Week 2: Sacral. I feel

Week 3: Solar Plexus. I do

Week 4: Heart. I feel

Week 5: Throat. I speak

Week 6: Mind’s Eye. I see.

Week 7: Crown. I understand.