“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.” – Martha Graham

Happy NEW YEAR! Yes, it’s officially a NEW YEAR. For some, that inspires a shift in energy and focus. And, that’s great, especially with our current challenging state of affairs. Anytime there is a wave of inspiration, it is an awesome time to jump on and ride!
And NOW, more than ever, the world is calling for us to take care of our body, mind and spirit, so that there is a collective rise in our consciousness.
I personally feel that each new moment presents an opportunity to begin again. Not just January 1st.
A moment, NOW, to be more present. To experience the lightness of BEING. To tap into the perfect expression that is uniquely YOU, (as Martha Graham talks about in one of my favorite quotes EVER).
So, maybe the saying could be… Happy New NOW!
And, the radical idea (the Yoga) within this thought IS…
Maybe there is nothing you need to DO or CHANGE or FIX.
Perhaps, you can just let yourself BE, in this NOW moment, to allow stress and tension to fall away and your unique expression will flourish and thrive!
- Which brings us to the question, in this New NOW moment, how do we LET OURSELF JUST BE?
- How do we keep the channel open so that all the goodness can FLOW in and out?
- How do we become AWARE of the urges that motivate?
- How do we REMEMBER that there is only ONE of us, IN ALL OF TIME, and we have an expression to share that is UNIQUE?
- How do we TRUST that WE ARE, innately, something that the WORLD NEEDS and get out of our own way?
- How do we ALIGN with health and wellness and not less stress run the show?
What I know works for me, is what I have personally experienced and learned from my teachers that come from a long linage of Sages. I am ever humbled, honored and inspired to share this practice of BODY, MIND and SPIRIT that has been shared with me.
In what I hope is a very practical way to continue to share this deep rooted way of living, I have created a few connection portals for us! A few ways that you, your family and the community can connect with health and wellness. Ways for us all to experience the profound gifts of BEING.
First, A 4 Week Self-Care Course:

The a 4 Week Course in Self-Care for Vitality, starting Monday, January 10th, that includes live online yoga and meditation classes, journaling, recorded videos and more. Explore the practice of Yoga Postures, Breath Work, Meditation and Self-Study to embody the loving art of self-care of our BODY, MIND & SPIRIT.
Learn more here.
Second, A Kids Yoga Virtual Club:

A Kids Yoga Virtual Club Membership to give your child the ultimate resource to support their health and happiness continuously throughout the year.
Membership includes FUN Yoga & Mindfulness Classes, Guided Meditations, printable check-in Reflection Sheets, and Yoga Tools that give a lifetime resource and provide ways to self-regulate, process, create positive mindsets, build confidence, and be healthy- body & mind!
Learn more here.
And Third, A Healthier YOU! Connection Program:

The “New Year, Healthier YOU! Connection Program”
A Monthly Subscription to give yourself the ultimate resource to CONNECT with and support your health and well-being, continuously, throughout the year.
Receive all access to Yoga Classes (online & in-person), Recorded Videos, Weekly Meditation, Monthly Full Moon Ritual, Community Circle & so much more!
Learn more here.
Please reach out with any questions.
And, no one will be turned away for lack of finances, so let me know if you need a scholarship.
I hope we connect soon.
Love and Namaste,