When A ‘Late Bloomer’ Trusts The Process.

Have you ever been described as being a late bloomer?

I was.

As a child, I did not look nearly as mature as the girls around me. I was teased. Mocked.
I can still hear the voice of one kid taunting me and calling me an ‘ironing board’ for my flat chest. It made me hate myself, my body and that stage of life.

And recently, when I heard a mom talking about her child not being “on grade level,” I once again felt my heart hurt for “the kid” that is judged and being held to some man created standard.

So, I think it’s time to let go of the idea of people being ‘late bloomers.’

What if we just released all thoughts like…

“Oh, he’s short because he just hasn’t had a growth spurt yet…

Oh, she will find her dream job one day…

Oh, you’re 35 and haven’t made it yet?…

Oh, they held him back because he wasn’t able to keep up…”

This morning I looked outside at my backyard and I saw one single beautiful hydrangea blooming.

It was bright violet, in the middle of a hundred other faded dry hydrangeas that bloomed about a month ago.

Last month, when they were all blooming, it was beautiful. Magical. I appreciated the beauty every time I went outside.

Today, when I looked outside and I saw one single hydrangea, that for some reason didn’t open up a month ago with the rest of the bush, it brought a tear to my eye.

I wondered if a flower could have feelings, what would it have felt? What emotions would it have experienced for the last month, as it watched all the flowers around it open up into the sunshine, change colors and express themselves vibrantly all the while, it was hidden and quiet in its bud form.

But flowers don’t have feelings.

They just inherently TRUST THE PROCESS.

There’s no judgment about where they are on the journey.

They just experience the moment as it is.

Perhaps this flower bloomed in the exact perfect moment to give me hope today and remind me of the endless possibilities that exist in each moment.

Even when we don’t feel like we haven’t reached our goal or obtained what ‘we want.’

There are infinite possibilities in the this now moment, if we trust the process.

So here are some replacement thoughts for those ‘not good enough, something is wrong with me and my timing’ – thoughts.

Repeat these to yourself and OWN THEM! …

Everyone is perfect, as is.

Each moment of life serves a divine purpose.

There is only one of you.

In this moment you are the prefect expression of YOU.

Maybe ask yourself, what would change for you if you believed these things?

AND, here’s the clincher….

What if, accepting this moment meant that it opened up the NEXT moment for the infinite abundance the universe wants to give you?

Our harsh judgement of ourself creates real limits in our world that block magic from happening. Walls that deter the divine unfolding and blooming of wondrous things waiting for you.

I certainly have experienced this when I am trusting the process and releasing judgement from myself and others.

A simple example of this can take place in a yoga practice (or think of any activity, practice or program).

In yoga, when we let go of control and let the pose we are in be the only thing that exists, there is space to let the pose open and evolve (ie: Let the yoga happen). If I’m in pigeon pose and thinking about getting my head on the ground, my hip actually tightens and my body locks up.

Now, if I’m in pigeon pose and experiencing my breath and consciously relaxing my body where it is, it naturally communicates to my nervous system that it is safe safe and not being attacked. And, before I know it, I am physically dropping in deeper and I find my head on the ground.

Furthermore, If I’m in pigeon pose and thinking about the inversion that comes next or about the person next to me doing a balancing pigeon, I’ve lost any ability to experience my experience and there’s a good chance I will get injured.

Ah, once again, yoga is the perfect expression and reflection of real life…

Friend, you are not a late bloomer. (Remember, this doesn’t really even exist!)

Trust this process and know with certainty that ~

You are magic. Truly.

Hold the highest vision for yourself and allow yourself to bloom in each moment of the journey.