Your Expansive Blue Sky Mind

There’s a reason I often sign my letters and emails with:
Blue skies,

The wide open blue sky reminds me of our true nature and 9 times out of 10, allows me to take a deep breath and actually relax.

Blue Skies

Yesterday I was stressing.  I was dealing with the IRS, Health Insurance and kid issues.  The perfect trifecta to swirl up some tension.  I was staying patient as I talked to one person, after another, trying to find solutions to issues.  I was breathing.  I was softening my shoulders and face.  After all, I have an awesome tool box of de-stressing techniques after teaching yoga for almost 30 years.

However, after a few hours, I was having more negative thoughts, then not.

Just then, I noticed a little bit of sunshine coming in through my window.

Yes!, I thought, I need to go sit in the sun for a minute.  

I grabbed my yoga mat and went into my backyard.  There was no sun; too many trees.  I took my mat around to the front yard and laid down on the hill.  As my body became still, I was highly aware of the CRAZY thoughts swirling around in my head.  

And then, I felt the grass tickle my arm.  I let my fingers lightly touch the grass, and I was able to relax a little more. 
I let my body yield into the earth and I truly landed on the ground.  I imagined mama earth lifting up and holding me.

It’s almost like it came out of nowhere ~ I heard the trees around me rustle in the breeze. 
The sigh I let out, was audible. 

The trees had been rustling the whole time, my thoughts were just too loud for me to hear.

Then, I noticed the WIDE OPEN SKY above me.  I felt the shining, warm sun and watched the slow meandering clouds.  
Another audible sigh.

W i d e   o p e n   b l u e   s k y.

Expansive and infinite, like our minds.  Like our true nature.  This is the thing that is real. 

The stormy thoughts and feelings, they are just clouds, passing by.  They are NOT who we are. Sometimes they float overhead for a while, but they always pass.

WHEN I REMEMBER MY TRUE NATURE, this creates spaciousness that allows for things to shift.  
There are so many things we can do to experience the expansiveness of our mind.  To loosen the grip of thoughts and feelings.  To cultivate and experience peace.

And when I’ve gone through the list of tools and I am still spinning, I go find the wide open sky and let it mirror my true nature.  It is the perfect way to begin a meditation.
Yes, the yoga flows through.  The love flows through.

One Response

  • Yes, nature is the great healer. It can soothe and clarify ones thoughts during chaos and stress.
    Michele, you always share your thoughts and insights so perfectly. Thank you.

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